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Basically, Speccy is a System Information tool that lets you know all the specs you may need to know about your Windows PC. To know the full details of your computer hardware, Speccy is a cool freeware that lets you find out every component of your computer hardware. Check compatibility, please.If you have purchased a new computer or laptop or someone asks you for your system configuration, you might be not answering perfectly. Just checking if there is anything wrong with the new rig I am about to get How much do you think my PC is worth if I tried to sell? 400 euro budget for upgrade help choose the motherboard and check compatibility speccy download

Question Would like to know if this GPU will fit in my case with my parts, checked Newegg and saw no problems, looking for extra assurances Question Please check the compatibility for a partial upgrade! if he talks fine shows u what u want to see very polite and doesent mind u doing whatever then ur probly fine. if he doesent say a word about it and doesent seem talkative probly junk and he doesent wanna lie. 5 the person should talk normal weird i know but realy pay attetnion to how he talks is he trying his absolute best to sell it and just tells u more and more about how good this pc is if so its probly junk. heres what the pc should be 1 clean inside 2 all the fans should be running 3 the cpu should be at 40c if its the stock cooler 4 the pc shouldint have a bunch of random stuff on there if you see a bunch of toolbars in the web browser then it probly has malware. if its a gameing pc play a game and if anything goes wrong u will know ask him if you could download a cpu moniter and check the temp of the cpu if its like 60c when its just sitting there then it will probly need new thermal paste or the cpu is old and the cooler aint cutting it. you are taking a chance when buying a pc. then just kind of look at what is on th pc do some simple web browsing if able play a sample song just do stuff on it. speccy download

then yes LOOK INSIDE i woulidnt buy it if he wouldint let u look inside. Well heres what i would do first check the specs how much ram how good of a cpu does it have? also how old is it if its like a xp i would stay away. speccy download