ituser$ sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/.plist ituser$ sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/.plist Installing the License Manager - Windows Setting Custom Ports By default, DFLM uses ports 5075 and If you need to change these ports, it is easiest to do this before you install the software. Stopping/Starting the License Manager If you change your ports, you will need to unload and reload the launch agent. See Configuring the License Manager for next steps. What this installs: A launch daemon at /Library/LaunchDaemons/.plist Application files at /Library/Dragonframe License Manager The license manager will start automatically. If your network has an HTTP proxy, you can configure that through environment variables: DFLM_PROXY_HOST - the hostname of the proxy server (required) DFLM_PROXY_PORT - the port of the proxy server (required) DFLM_PROXY_USER - the username if authentication is needed (optional) DFLM_PROXY_PASS - the password if authentication is needed (optional) You can set these in variables directly in the startup script: /Library/Dragonframe License Manager/dflm.sh Installing the Software Download the installation package and run the installer, DragonframeLicenseManager.pkg. To use custom ports, set the environment variables: DFLM_TCP_PORT (for end-user license checkout) DFLM_HTTP_PORT (for local web-based management interface)Ģ You can set these in variables directly in the startup script: /Library/Dragonframe License Manager/dflm.sh Configuring Network Proxy The license manager needs to contact our Dragonframe server at for initial registration, and for adding licenses. Note: The custom TCP port must be set before you register your server, because it gets included in the activation code for the client machines. Installing the License Manager - Mac OS X Setting Custom Ports By default, DFLM uses ports 5075 and If you need to change these ports, it is easiest to do this before you install the software. System Requirements Mac OS X or Windows XP+ Available ports 5075 (for end-user checkouts) and 5076 (for local DFLM interface). Port 5076 is used to access the web-based management interface of DFLM. This port must be available across your network. Port 5075 is used for communication between the end-user machines and DFLM. Network requirements: The DFLM server must be accessible from the end-user machines in order for them to check out licenses. DFLM tracks the number of licenses that are checked out. You configure end-user machines with Dragonframe to obtain their licenses from DFLM. You install your Dragonframe licenses into DFLM.

How it works: It is an application that runs as a Windows service or Mac OS X launch daemon.

You must contact support to request a license manager customer ID if you want to use the license manager. 1 Dragonframe License Manager User Guide Version The Dragonframe License Manager (DFLM) provides floating license management for Dragonframe 3.0 and above.